Tag Archives: Grace

Finding Grace In A World Demanding Performance

Take time to look at people in terms of their humanity and not their failures.Forclosure House - The Day After (28)

A truth that might be understood about how we look at others is that when we see others at the point of their need and have compassion: giving grace, reflects our own sense of need, realizing that we also need grace at times in our lives.  Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit” that was targeting an attitude that would characterize those who understand their culpability, have sense of their humanity, and potential for failure which results in humility about who they are.  It is a truth that it is very hard to extend grace to others when you have no understanding how much a human that you are or how failure may have characterized our existence.  How we look at others says something about the impact of humility upon our character. People are human and fail at times in life and if the only people who we are willing to give grace to are people who look like us and fit into the cookie cutter that we have made of our view or brand of church-ology, we will never be of any help to anyone except a select few and we may miss a rare opportunity to be incarnational in how we respond to people.  Jesus looked upon the multitude as sheep without a shepherd.  Most people need a shepherd that can see them as they are and realize that there is a felt need that needs intervention that expresses grace.

Use what you have to be a blessing to someone else who may need a hand up.

One of the most profound things that you can do for someone is not to give an expensive, costly gift that is beyond your ability, it is the act of showing that you care enough about someone else to give what you have, what you can, and what helps the person. If you have ever been desperate with nowhere to turn, no one to call, stranded with no where that you feel that you can turn to get help, and God places an angel (messenger) in your path who does not know you, but chooses to help you because they have been in that exact spot before, then you may understand a hand up.  The unfortunate thing is that many Christians are so self-absorbed and detached from others–that all that they can see is their own need.  What people need to know more than they need your money, food, or time is to know that you see them as a person and that you have a genuine concern that will do more than talk about being missional.  To give people a hand up means feet on the ground—using what you are and what you have to offer to show what people need the most, loving concern that shows.

Finding grace in the holidays will come when grace has found us and we come to realize that people all around us every day need a touch on their lives that communicates that I accept you like you are and I am willing to give of myself, giving grace that connects with the felt need of another person .  Everyone needs to experience salvation, redemption, sanctification, and empowerment from God to live an effective life.  The best expression of love that is demonstrated gives with no expectation of receiving anything for the giving. Giving love with no strings or conditions is a choice made reflecting the Grace that God gives in loving us. Loving without expectations the act of Grace reflecting a character that seeks the best for the one being loved freeing the person to give love freely. (John 3:16)